A downloadable game

Micro DXD is a minimalist medieval fantasy RPG that you can carry on a business card inspired by the most played RPG. 

You will only need six-sided dice, something to write down attributes and their Hit Points.

You will find it here: 

-Attribute Distribution 

-Class with bonus 

-Different difficulty for enemies with different threat level


Micro DXD.pdf 1.6 MB


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Maybe a bit too micro. For example, "in combat situations, failure represents damage suffered" but now much damage?

Quick typo: "Warrior - +1 on Strenght" should be "Warrior - +1 on Strength"

(1 edit)

the idea is that the damage suffered by players is always 1, while enemies are defeated by the number of successes represented by their threat level and thanks for seeing this error. But if you want more dynamism, you can use the formula Damage = Threat Level /2 rounded up.